Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Yeah, I know I'm a Vandweller... but I just can't get homesteading out of my blood.  So I bake bread, can food, and garden wherever I happen to be in the growing season.  What do you get when you combine Vandwellers and Homesteaders?  You get Vansteaders!  If you are a Vansteader too, please join me as I blog about all of the different Vansteader stories and ideas that I've collected over the last few years.  Your Vansteader ideas are always welcome!


  1. Heidi--awesome site. I think it's great how you're creating a vandwelling community (albeit on the internet).

  2. Hey Ken! It's been fun following your vansteading activities this summer! I learned a few things from you - and I really want to try that mushroom thingy you made here:

  3. EWWWW Mushrooms!!! Nice job on setting up yet another wonderful and informative blog! I am quite proud of my talented wife! :-)

    -Mike & You :)
    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"
